
Call for Speakers - Last day is this Friday, March 5!!

By Janice D'Aloia posted 03-03-2021 09:16


Don't miss the deadline to submit your presentation for our new conference Ascend 2021. 

The deadline is this Friday, March 5.

You know you have something to say, so let's hear it!! The OHUG Conference has expanded and is now a combined conference with OATUG with more content, more sessions, and more fun.  Don't miss your chance to attend Ascend 2021 In Person or Virtually for a hugely discounted price. Whether you can be there in Florida with us at the beautiful Diplomat Beach Resort, or from the comfort of your desk, submit, submit, submit.  We're open to panel discussions, tips & tricks, customer success stories, and anything else OHUG members want to hear about.

You can get more information and submit your presentation HERE.

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