Webinar: Humanizing Workforce Experience through Data & Design

When:  Apr 21, 2021 from 09:00 to 10:00 (ET)
--- Join our friends at Leapgen for this insightful webinar ---

An elevated, modern workforce experience boosts morale, increases productivity, and accelerates business. Whether you’re designing a fully remote, hybrid, or return-to-work experience, every organization should be designing a humanized experience for one common denominator: The Digital Workplace.

The next installment in our Leapgen Digital Series breaks down the WHO, WHAT, WHY and HOW of data-driven workforce experience design.

WHO: Workforce experience design is about creating personalized, relevant experiences at moments that matter for every person in the workforce. That means every part of every person; a whole person approach considers our physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual needs when it comes to our experience of work.

WHAT: Data is the single most important ingredient in workforce experience design. You can’t elevate experience without truly knowing and understanding what’s important to your workforce, what they need to be successful, what matters to them, and why. We’ll show you how to use it.

WHY: You treat people like people by elevating their experience of work. Done right, workforce experience boosts morale, drives productivity, accelerates business performance, and retains both talent and customers.

HOW: There are tools of the trade when it comes to workforce experience design. They can be applied to any technology stack, any organization of any size or industry, any workforce population, anywhere on your Digital Transformation journey. We’ll walk you through a must-have toolkit for data-driven experience design.

Join two of Leapgen’s most brilliant consulting minds, Alex Zea and Emily Dahl, for our next digital event. Come for the questions and interaction; leave with a toolkit and next steps.

Location: 9am PT / 10am MT / 11am CT / noon ET