WEBINAR: Seamlessly Access and Extract Your Cloud HCM Data [Revealing the Secret Formula]

When:  Mar 14, 2023 from 11:00 to 12:00 (PT)

Are you struggling to access and do ad-hoc analysis on your Oracle Fusion HCM data with slow, mundane, not easy-to-use tools and complex processes? Join our upcoming session as we reveal our secret formula that will help you -

Connect to multiple Oracle HCM Pods.
Reduce up to 60% of your query and report development time.
Extract large volumes of your Oracle Fusion HCM Data, saving 40% of your time.
Access all your Oracle Fusion HCM objects, including the flex-fields.
Access and modify readily available comprehensive HR reports, including headcount, turnover rate, and other employee demographics, including payroll.
Want to learn how? Register for the session!

Drew Belleville, Krishna Priya B, and Sumit Dahiya

Who should attend:
Oracle HCM Cloud Users, Developers, HCM Business Analysts, HR Managers, People Analytics Managers and HRIS Managers


Online Instructions:
Event Image


Janice D'Aloia