WEBINAR: Gambling with your SaaS investment? How to turn the odds in your favor

When:  May 3, 2024 from 10:00 to 11:00 (PT)
Whether you are in the “thinking about it” phase, or fully implemented with a SaaS solution, it is important that your organization is able to realize the benefits of your investment. 80% of customers are unhappy with their current ERP[1], so if your journey is just starting or you feel you may not be realizing your anticipated benefits, there are questions that need to be answered – and the team at Meta will be answering your questions during this session.

Why Meta? For over twenty years the Meta team has been called upon to help with high-profile projects and delivered in the most challenging circumstances, often when an organization has invested and is underperforming, or a project is in trouble.

Join us on May 3rd at 10am PT/1pm ET for a roundtable discussion and Q & A with peers and the Meta team at MetaConference, streaming from Las Vegas.


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Janice D'Aloia